Modern Indian Men /Women , Are we ?

(Few days back …)

I  looked across the table and I could see Td fiddling with his phone as usual ..I don’t know what he is to me .. is he my guardian angel ? Is he my godly husband  😉  as commonly and fondly called by us Indian women  to our very much human husbands he my lover ? !! Guess not .. we are way too casual and independent for only to be lovers  (if u know what i mean ) :p .. what should I refer him .. suddenly I saw the word friend on one article I was reading .. i slipped my hands across the letters and thought for a moment ….Can i call him that ? now..  It would have been unfair to call him my best friend when I do have a bunch of my besties and long time friends ..and  and on the other hand calling him my husband would have been too much narrowing down the open speculations and imaginations (at least for me) .. so let’s talk about this highly misunderstood but a great species . Indian men . what an controversial topic .. World wide this species is known by different synonyms and tags .. ( of course as we Indian women are too,  ) ..

I don’t want to tag them with anything .. They’re  just men .. and what an awesome creature God has made.. With revolutionary changes and convictions and well mostly for  all other supposedly reasons Indian men not only represent  fathers ,brothers ,husbands .. They have become our friends. ..  yes yes I can hear the feeble voice from distant telling me India has a patriarchal society .. but to be honest .it is changing slowly .. and we girls can’t give the whole credit to ourselves . Boys and today’s generation Y  is much more aware of the change and they are one of the reason that our society is changing .

Now I want to write about the modern Indian man of my life ..

Today When I cook with one hand and take my official call on the other ..he comes to my rescue to switch off the flame that I don’t get burns ..

When I can’t wake up in the morning and just wanna sleep another 5 mins more .. He is there making our morning tea  and probing me to wake up the lazy me.. and giving me the 5 more mins of happy sleep..

When I crib about office works and shout and cry ..he is there with his warm hug and all ears to let my worry slip through his strong arms ..

When am hurriedly getting dressed to have a video call with my in-laws ..he is there to remind me to put that bindi .. Though I don’t have any bindi at my house ..he would magically bring up the lipstick to create a small bindi to make our parents happy ..(See , so useful too :p)

If he parties with his friends , i would be one of his friend who doesn’t drink much but makes everyone laugh by her funny jokes .. he never differentiates  me from his friend , That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have boys days out .. and the same holds for me too !!

When world around would ask me what I have cooked today .. He would proudly show others what I have painted today ..

Today’s modern Indian men ..Oh how I love this species ..

Gone are the days when boys were only meant to be inside offices and the sole breadwinner of a family .. Gone are the days when boys were expected to take more responsibilities irrespective of being of any age .. Gone are the days when boys were meant only to be burdened with all the financial situations ..

Now is the age of modern men.. The swag ,the stylish the super cool species ..who has also  also a hobby apart from a job !!

He is the one who treats the girls in his life as Queens and princess .. he cooks,plays ,takes care of kids and works too ..

This is not a dream girls .. this is the outcome of a long mildly lost dream which is slowing taking its ground ..

A world where there is no segregation of household works , office works or taking care of kids between partners .. a world where both the partners are friends .. not just husband and wife .. this world is a reality and I experience it  everyday along with many other wonderful couples I see around me each day ..

But ladies ..before expecting such a Man in our lives , we must also prepare ourselves to be   their backup plans not as always when they are our back up plans .. equality is the key to this friendship  and rest all is history .. 

So are we ready to be that Modern Indian women ?   ,Well .. am trying to be one .. in this process i have my Best friend , my husband .. the modern Indian man of my life     🙂 

About namrataTanmay

home is where my Heart is .. :)


  1. You write really well.
    This was such a difficult topic to write about and yet you did it.

    Nice use of examples too 🙂 and rightly said, for someone to be a modern man, we too should first become a modern woman. Kudos 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pratima

    Good one dearie

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tanushree

    Too nice write up namrata. Nd true too.

    Liked by 1 person

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